9/23/22 - Snapshot of On-Chain Analytics for Mirror

Goal: Determine optimum mint price & collection size for our upcoming newsletter.

Observations: There is decent activity on Mirror to date, but, nothing staggering. The most successful publisher has raised 6.24 ETH (~$11K), with the average writer earnings being $0.16 out of a total of 4,563 writers. Notable writers such as Chase Chapman and Not Boring have raised ~4 ETH and ~2 ETH, respectively. The Rug has began selling editions for 0.002 ETH, likely to better approximate the cost of a typical news subscription or monthly magazine.

Result: I suggest we mint 100-1000 editions of each newsletter for 0.001 ETH per edition. The number of editions should approximately match the size of the community. By lowering the price of each individual edition, we increase the chance of individuals being willing to spend money on collecting it. It makes the most sense to start small and try to sell out each publication vs. trying to command a substantial premium from interested collectors.