There has been lack of communication regarding how people are deciding to process Dework Tasks, and how those tasks are being documented as paid.

I am going to build an exhaustive breakdown of every possible dework process I can think of, to try and bring clarity to how CS can build the dework program for maximum productivity.

This is a living document, so it should (when iterations occur) change. Communication is HARD, with me, and with others. So sometimes, the best way to move forward is via the distribution of communication This will be broken down into sections. 1. Definitions. 2. Walkthroughs, and 3. Workflows. Lets Begin.

First, lets take a look at the why:

Dework tends to be the end all be all task management system. We decided to use dework as the end all be all for task management. Not sure if its because its web3, or because we got tired of using the notion bounty board but we moved forward, and used Dework. I think I may have been slightly trigger happy with using the process, but we can figure out how to make this tool work.

in order for Dework to actually work out well for others, you have to be able to be comfortable with using dework. This can be a quick process, but this can also be a process that takes time. You must be comfortable with the fact that you might not become acclimated to dework immediately. However, I’m going to help you get through those dework hurdles together! Lets start with some definitions first.


Task - The task is what needs to be completed. This can be as simple as writing a newsletter entry, or as complex as a Seasonal Retrospective. Typically, when you have a task that needs to be completed, you should input that task as the first thing that you do in your leadership process. Delegation is very important when it comes to being a leader. The Picture Below shows what a task looks like.


Subtask - a Subtask is a task that has to be completed in order to complete another task. For Example. If I were to create a content edit for an episode. I would also need to upload the video file to Premiere Pro. In this scenario, the subtask would be my uploading the video file to premiere pro, the task that I have completed the subtask for is the parent task. I have pointed to the title of the main task above, and I have pointed to the subtask below.


Due Date - This is the date that the task is due. In order to properly create a task in dework, its recommended that you add a due date to the task. You should break the habit of adding tasks to dework after they are completed. You can add your “evidence” that you’ve created the work needed to complete the task after you’ve finished the task, but for these purposes, you want to make sure that you create your task in dework BEFORE you actually complete your task in the real world. Every task should have a due date. We can not properly move on to the next part of the project if we don’t have a due date for the previous step to adhere to. As a collective, running a podcast network should definitely learn to utilize due dates in the structure.

  1. to add a due date to a task -

    1. click the 3 dots next to where the word “skills” is located


    1. ‘set due date’ appears - click set due date


    1. pick your due date. for today’s purposes, i selected today, december 9th


  2. Title - This is the title of your task. I’ve heard that there have been quite a few difficulties with titling. In order to have a title that doesn’t cause the finance department to jump down your throat, you want to stick to one form of titling. Take a look at the picture below - Apparently one of these tasks had a great titling system. The other one did not have a great titling system. Take a guess which one.
