BanklessDAO Weekly NFT and Cryptoart Newsletter

Dear Bankless Nation,

The 21st century has shown the introduction of the blockchain and with it the Non-Fungible-Tokens.

NFTs have revolutionized the art world and have caught the attention of renowned artists such as Madonna, Beeple and Pak. Madonna has partnered with celebrated digital artist Beeple to create her first NFT collection “Mother of Creation” that explores the idea of motherhood.

He also go through the works of influential anon artist Pak. His minimalist pieces are thought to be created by algorithms or AI and often include innovative features such as the $ASH token.

Madonna, Beeple and Pak are three of the most successful artists in their fields and in the art scene they all cross paths in this interconnected world we live in.

Welcome to Decentralized Arts.


: BanklessDAO Writers Guild (









Frank America
