<aside> 💡 This guide is for level 2 contributors who would like to create a new discord category, including the appropriate permissions and how to gate access to these categories. You MUST HAVE 2FA ENABLED to use these privileges.


<aside> 💡 In an attempt to reduce Discord clutter for new members, many of our server's categories are gated behind having a particular role. For example, with a Guest Pass, I would only be able to see each category's Start-Here channel and not the rest.

Similarly, each new category created must also follow a similar gating mechanism. We will explore this later in the guide.

Read more here.

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When do I create a new category?

In 99% of cases, you will create a new category to better coordinate your project. Please only create a new category if:

  1. Your project has been funded by the Grants Committee at any point in time
  2. You need the extra coordination features and cannot operate in a single channel with threads anymore

How to create a new category

  1. Scroll to the bottom of Discord where the rest of the project categories are. Right click in the empty space between two categories and click Create Category

    Screenshot 2021-12-09 153520.png

  2. Title your category ┌─ [EMOJI] [PROJECT NAME] ─┐ with the brackets on either side. Please select an emoji for your project. This will be used later in selecting the role that lets you see the remaining channels in that category. 🚨 Enable this category as a private category. You can skip the next windows asking you to select roles.

    Screenshot 2021-12-09 154235.png

Create a role for your category

  1. Once you've created this private category, we can now create a new role that lets us view the category. Please refer to this guide: [L2 Contributors] How to create a Role in Discord. For this tutorial, I created a Test Project Role role that we will use later.

<aside> 💡 If you would like this role to be included in the #role-select category, please ask in #ops-guild-general.


Set your category permissions

  1. Go back to your project category and right-click the category. Then select Edit Category and navigate to Permissions.

  2. Click Add members or roles and include:

    1. DEGEN Family
    2. DEGEN (DEGEN Family)
    3. Mad Hatter (DEGEN Family)
    4. Level 2 (Contributor)
    5. Level 4
    6. Guest Pass
    7. Level 3
    8. DAOplomat
    9. Level 1
    10. Firehose
    11. 🚨 YOUR NEWLY CREATED ROLE (In this case, Test Project Role)

    Screenshot 2021-12-09 163214.png

  3. We'll start by setting up permissions for the Test Project Role, Mad Hatter (DEGEN Family) , and DEGEN (DEGEN Family). Both of these roles have the same permissions in that they let you view the category. Make sure the following permissions are ON ✅

    1. View Channels
    2. Connect

    All other permissions can be toggled as neutral

    Screenshot 2021-12-09 164727.png

  4. The next role is Firehose which only has the View Channels permission. Make sure the following permissions are ON ✅:

    1. View Channels
  5. The next class of roles is First Quest Welcome. This is also easy. We just want to turn the View Channels and Connect permission off.

    Screenshot 2021-12-09 164913.png

  6. The next set of roles includes Level 1, DAOplomat, Level 3, Level 4, and Guest Pass. These roles allow members to actually participate in text and voice channels. The previous roles steps allowed members to see channels. The roles in step allow them to participate. Make sure the following permissions are ON ✅ (These follow the same permissions in the [L2 Contributors] How to create a Role in Discord guide.)

    1. Send Messages
    2. Send Messages in Threads
    3. Create Public Threads
    4. Create Private Threads
    5. Embed Links
    6. Attach Files
    7. Add Reactions
    8. Use External Emojis
    9. Use External Stickers
    10. Read Message History
    11. Use Application Commands
    12. Connect
    13. Speak
    14. Video
    15. Start Activities
    16. Use Voice Activity
    17. Request to Speak