Discord Thread is a branched conversation within a channel. Threads allow multiple topics in a channel to exist and have their own dedicated space without having to commit to a new channel for the server.

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Threads also don't count towards the server channel limit.

Creating a thread

Anyone can "Create Public Threads" in BDAO discord.

  1. There are 3 ways you can create threads in a channel.

    1. Hover over any existing message you would like to create a thread from and press on the # icon to create a thread.

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    2. You can also create a new thread by pressing the + button in your chat bar.

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    3. Or, you can click on # button at the top of the channel and click Create.

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  2. Fill in the details about the thread. If you are creating a new thread without an existing message, you need to send a starter message to create where you can tag members to send them a notification.

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  1. You can choose the duration of your thread with the Archive After Inactivity drop-down menu. (P.S. It is super easy to unarchive a thread). We recommend 1 week.

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  1. Click Create Thread and that's it. New thread message will show up on the main channel from where people can view and join the thread.

Join a thread

  1. To join an active thread, press on the thread in the thread discovery icon on the channel nav, or press See thread on a thread you see in chat. An active thread is signified with a # plus a speech bubble icon

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  1. Once you opened the thread, click Join or you can send a message in the thread to join in automatically. (You'll start receiving thread notification once you join the thread)

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