The 5 Skills Every Successful DAO Contributor Needs to Cultivate

Samantha Marin

DAO 贡献者必备的五项技能

Improving your skill set is like growing a garden. You need to till the soil, plant the seeds, water the seeds, weed the area around them, and wait awhile. After many months, you'll start to see your efforts bearing fruit.


<aside> ☝ 技能的提升好比打理花园。你要先翻土、播种、浇水、除草,再等上一段时间。假以时日,就能看到你的努力结出硕果。


Most skills required for success in a DAO take a long time to grow. But if you start now, you'll be more prepared for DAO work by the time DAOs gain wide adoption and traditional companies are making the leap into decentralized work.


<aside> ☝ 在 DAO 里获得成功所需要的技能,大部分都得花上很长一段时间来培养。如果现在就开始行动,当 DAO 普及开来,传统公司开始向去中心化工作模式蜕变时,你就已经准备好了。


So, what are the required skills for DAO contribution and how do you cultivate them?


<aside> ☝ 那么,在 DAO 中做贡献需要些什么技能,又该如何培养它们呢?


This list is not exhaustive—many skills are needed to succeed in DAOs. But, I believe you can start with these five basic skills and grow from here. Here are the 5 skills I've identified as extremely important for working in a DAO:

这里罗列的并不全面——想要在 DAO 里成功,多数技能或多或少都是有用的。但你可以从这 5 项基本技能开始,慢慢成长起来。这就是我认为在 DAO 工作中最为重要的 5 项技能:

<aside> ☝ 厘清优先级
