Not everyone who joins your Discord server is a member of your DAO, and neither should they be. Different levels of community engagement have different privileges and expectations, and to conflate them is a disservice to your community. Some people want to participate casually, while others are seeking full-time employment. Some join for leisure, while others aim to untie the Gordian knot of decentralized governance.
并非每一位加入你的Discord服务器的人都是你的DAO成员,并且他们也不应如此。不同级别的社区参与度对应着不同的权限和期望,混淆这些对于社区是有害的。有些人想随便参加一下,然而另一些人则寻求全职的工作。有些人加入为了休闲娱乐,而另一些人则寻求解开戈耳迪之结 —— 去中心化治理。
<aside> 💡 并非每一位加入你的Discord服务器的人都是你的DAO成员,并且他们也不应该是。不同级别的社区参与度对应着不同的权限和期望,混淆这些对于社区是有害的。有些人想随便逛一下,然而另一些人则寻求全职的工作。有些人加入为了休闲娱乐,而另一些人则寻求解开去中心化治理的难解之结。
Other issues arise from misaligned financial incentives. Members with a $500 investment are inclined to think differently than members with a $5,000 or $15,000 investment. Responsibilities differ as well. Asking someone to take notes in a meeting differs from managing a $25k project. In the latter scenario, the community assumes risks in opportunity costs, even if the funds are safe in a multisig. Consider the following questions when thinking about the organization of a DAO:
<aside> 💡 由于财务激励的错位,其他问题也随之而来。投资500美元的成员,和投资5000或15000美元的成员,有着不一样的想法。责任也不同。要求某人做会议记录和管理一个25000美元的项目是不一样的。在后一种情况中,社区承担着机会成本的风险,即使在多重签名下资金是安全的。所以,在思考一个DAO组织时,请考虑以下这些问题:
If the answer to any of these questions is no, a community will inevitably suffer from frustrations, confusion, resentment, and talent bleed. The experience and goals of everyone, including the DAO itself, are undermined with everyone lumped in the same undifferentiated basket.
<aside> 💡 如果对于以上问题的回答是否定的,那么这个社区将会不可避免的遇到挫折、困惑、怨恨和人才流失。如果把所有人都放进同一个不加区分的篮子里,那么大家的经验和目标,包括DAO本身,会被削弱。