Authors Sam Hart, Toby Shorin, Laura Lotti
作者:Sam Hart, Toby Shorin, Laura Lotti
Published August 19 2020
发表于 2020年8月19日
SQUADS HAVE EXISTED FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS as vital forms of social and economic organization. Thanks to group chats and a wave of private online social platforms, squads are reemerging today as a potent cultural force that rejects a strictly individualist market philosophy. Squads play a key role not only in internet community dynamics but in emerging economic networks. Hawala, chit funds, chamas and other forms of P2P savings or credit associations are notable precursors to the kinds of financial relationships we anticipate decentralized cryptocurrency protocols will soon enable. These proto-squads are an example of Coaseian logic at play—that is, strong internal coordination decreases transaction costs, enabling greater productive capacities and financial opportunities as a group.The informal nature of these peer-to-peer institutions, often composed of neighbors and friends, reveals the central role that trust plays in squad logic. Whether housemates or friends sharing a Discord group, squads allow social currency and financial capital to inter-convert, creating opportunities and group resiliency that would have been impossible to achieve alone.
**小团体作为社会和经济组织的重要形式已经存在了几千年。**由于群聊和私人网络社交平台的出现,小团体今天正作为一种强大的文化力量重新出现,对抗严格的个人主义市场哲学。小团体不仅在互联网社区动态中,而且也在新兴的经济网络中发挥着关键作用。我们预计,Hawala、Chit 基金、Chamas 和其他形式的 P2P 储蓄或信贷协会,这些去中心化加密货币协议,将会是改写金融关系的先头兵。这些小团体原型是科斯式逻辑发挥作用的一个例子——即强大的内部协调降低了交易成本,使得作为一个群体的生产能力和金融能力更大。这些点对点机构的非正式性质,通常由邻居和朋友组成,证明了信任在团体逻辑中发挥的核心作用。无论是房客还是分享 Discord 群组的朋友,小团体允许社会货币和金融资本相互转换,创造机会和团体的韧性,而这不可能靠单打独斗实现。
<aside> ☝ 作为社会与经济组织的重要形式,**小队已经存在了几千年。**今天,由于群聊和私人网络社交平台的热潮,小队正在重新崛起,成为对抗严格的个人主义市场理念的一股强大文化力量。小队不仅在互联网社区动态中发挥着关键作用,在新经济网络中也是如此。我们预计,Hawala、Chit 基金、Chamas 和其他形式的 P2P 储蓄或信贷协会等,诸如此类的去中心化加密协议,将成为改写金融关系的先头兵。这些小队原型是科斯定理发挥作用的例证——即强大的内部协调能力降低了交易成本,让小型团体获得更大的产能和金融机会。这些点对点团体通常由邻居和朋友组成,其非正式的属性揭示了信任在小队中所发挥的核心作用。无论是同屋室友还是分享 Discord 群组的伙伴,小队允许社会货币和金融资本相互转换,为小型团体创造了机会和韧性,而这些都不可能靠单打独斗实现。
Recent events have completely exposed the limits of individual agency, creating a powerful demand for squad-based forms of resiliency. The COVID-19 pandemic is the most recent of these social bonding agents: though we're physically distancing, emotionally we're getting closer. First priority when the virus dropped was securing your squad. The need for group coordination and decision-making soon followed.
<aside> ☝ 近期发生的一系列事件让个别机构的局限性暴露无遗,小队这种组织形式的韧性成为刚需。新冠大流行是这些社会粘合剂中最新的一个:物理上我们保持距离,情感上我们越发紧密。当疫情来袭时,首要任务是确保小队的安全,协调和决策的需求接踵而至。
But today's emerging culture of group cohesion is driven equally by the social and financial precarity of urban life. Family are those we share space and rent with. Priced out of tier-1 cities, individuals have banded together to survive a jobless market with no social safety net.
<aside> ☝ 但如今群体凝聚力文化的出现,是城市生活中社会和经济动荡双重驱动的结果。那些在同一个屋檐下分担租金的人成了家人。被一线城市排挤的人们抱团取暖,在缺乏社会保障网的失业市场中偷生。