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This is a direct copy/paste from the GitHub. I’ve dropped it here so we can comment, amend, and revise as necessary.

BanklessDAO Constitution

Version 2.5.2 (when copied)


The BanklessDAO Constitution is a living yet lasting record of the DAO’s purpose, values, and decision-making processes. BanklessDAO is greater than the sum of its parts, and as such the Constitution serves our community as the agreed set of standard procedures by which the DAO as a whole will operate, while also recognizing the sovereignty of DAO organizational units.

Like our community itself, the Constitution will always be a work in progress. As the community changes, so too should the manifestation of those changes in daily DAO life be captured and reflected in this document.

Every word has been added as part of the governance processes detailed below, and every word can be changed using those same processes. We hope that this leads to a resilient and inclusive method of coordination, worthy of the decentralized ethos.

Article 1: Introducing BanklessDAO

1.1 The Genesis of BanklessDAO

BanklessDAO was founded by David Hoffman and Ryan Sean Adams on May 4, 2021, when they airdropped BANK tokens to each Bankless Premium Subscriber. While their media company, BanklessHQ, continues to operate as its own media node, the Bankless message is spread by the DAO and its members.

Details about the DAO’s formation and the Genesis Proposal, which proposed allocation of BANK tokens to BanklessHQ and Genesis members, were posted to the BanklessDAO Medium platform.

1.2 The Bankless Movement

Bankless is a movement for pioneers seeking liberation from the tyranny of the traditional financial system. Going Bankless means adopting decentralized, permissionless, and censorship-resistant technology. Through these means, we will achieve financial self-sovereignty, security, and prosperity.

We seek new ways to build wealth, solve human coordination problems, create culture, and develop cutting-edge thought-leadership in the crypto space.

1.3 Evolution Story

1.4 The Reboot Story

Article 2: Purpose

2.1 The Purpose of BanklessDAO