游戏化运作方式 赋能艺术与音乐作品 艺术音乐乌托邦
AM DAO is committed to building a top literary and entertainment community in the encrypted world. “A” and “M” represent “Art” and “Music” respectively, and are aimed at Generation Z and Web3 new forces who love art and music all over the world.AM DAO launched the “Literature and Art Migration Program”, which aims to help cultivate more new artistic and music creators to migrate to the Web3 world. In addition, it is eager to cultivate more new art and music talents in the web3 world, and uses the gamification operation method to hope that more people will participate in and empower art and music works, so as to build a common art and music utopia for everyone.It adheres to the Bole concepts of “everyone can create a star”, “everyone is a star”, and “everyone can cultivate a star”. From the first phase of the project web3 “everyone can create a star”, the prelude to the grand chapter of the entire literary and artistic migration plan begins.已压缩)AM_DAO文艺大迁徙2.0的副本.pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAT73L2G45EIPT3X45%2F20220608%2Fus-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20220608T171403Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-Signature=5cb3b8278749f2e4c94c655c785d9777583b95f750f2924fd549f8fdf2e2d9c1&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&response-content-disposition=filename %3D"%25EF%25BC%2588%25E5%25B7%25B2%25E5%258E%258B%25E7%25BC%25A9%25EF%25BC%2589AM%2520DAO%25E6%2596%2587%25E8%2589%25BA%25E5%25A4%25A7%25E8%25BF%2581%25E5%25BE%25992.0%25E7%259A%2584%25E5%2589%25AF%25E6%259C%25AC.pdf"&x-id=GetObject