**Why People Have Spent $90M on NFT Stick Figures

9000 万美金只为买火柴人 NFT?**

Even for an NFT, "mfers" is an unlikely success story.

即便作为 NFT,mfers 依然不像是那个成功的故事。

<aside> 📌 即便在 NFT 圈,”mfers“ 也依然称得上是一个非典型的成功学故事。



An mfer.OpenSea

mfer NFT(图源 OpenSea)

As confounding as NFTs appear to be, most successful collections have a coherent logic to them. The crypto-rich drop six figures on CryptoPunks because it has historical value as the first ever NFT collection. They spend even more on Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs because it's become a brand big enough for the likes of Adidas and Rolling Stone to work with. But even if you consider yourself open-minded when it comes to NFTs, you may have a hard time accepting "mfers."

尽管对大部分 NFT 仍然感到困惑,但我知道大多成功的项目依然是有共通的逻辑可循的。比如加密贵族们在CryptoPunks上消费六位数是因为它作为第一个NFT项目而具备的历史价值;比如花费更多的钱购买Bored Ape Yacht Club是因为它类似于Adidas和滚石,已经成长为一个足够强大的商业品牌;但即便你认为自己在NFT方面脑洞已经足够大,你大概依然很难接受“mfers“的逻辑。

<aside> 📌 尽管很难摸清 NFT 背后的门道,但我知道大多成功的项目总是有迹可循。比如,“加密贵族”们之所以愿意花六位数的价钱购买 CryptoPunks,是因为它是开创 NFT 先河的元老项目,具有历史收藏价值;再比如,他们愿意花更多钱去购买 BAYC,是因为它已经扩张为一个成熟的品牌,并与阿迪达斯和滚石达成了合作。但即便你觉得自己已经对各类 NFT 项目见怪不怪,你大概依然想不明白 “mfers” 爆火背后的逻辑。


Like the popular collections mentioned above, mfers is a set of roughly 10,000 NFTs (10,021 to be precise). Each artwork in the collection is a stick figure wearing headphones typing on an out-of-frame keyboard. Since launching on Nov. 30, over $90 million worth of mfers have been bought and sold by NFT traders, more than most Hollywood movies make in box office sales.


<aside> 📌 和前面提到的热门 NFT 项目一样,mfers 也包含约 10,000 件(确切地说是 10,021 件)NFT作品。每个作品都是一个火柴人形象,戴着耳机打着画外的键盘。自11月30日发行以来,mfers 的交易金额已经超过 9000 万美金,这甚至超过了大多数好莱坞电影票房。


If you want to get your hands on one, the cheapest mfer listed on NFT marketplace OpenSea is 2.69 ether. That's a few bucks short of $9,000.

如果你想入手一个 mfer,目前 OpenSea 中最便宜的也要 2.69 eth,差不多就是 9000 美金。